GeoMedia Motion Video Analyst Professional

GeoMedia Motion Video Analyst Professional is offered within the Producer Suite of the Power Portfolio.

GeoMedia Viewer

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Situational awareness in a dynamic environment

Analyze and exploit huge volumes of full motion video and understand what is happening in a geospatial context.

Disaster relief assistance

Motion video exploitation is expanding into non-military environments, such as disaster relief efforts.

Game-changing video

Provide the most current context available for assessing rapidly changing events.


Analysis of full motion video

Fully exploit video and imagery data in one seamless, geofused environment for accurate real-time information.

Fuse imagery with real-time data

Explore how motion video can be fused with radar feeds, terrain, imagery, and other data sources in defense & intelligence applications.

Motion video exploitation: Tools and techniques

Military, intelligence, transportation, and public safety organizations can expand data collection and analytic capabilities in innovative ways.

M.App X

Cloud-deployable image intelligence


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