The world’s preferred remote sensing software package

ERDAS IMAGINE, the world’s leading geospatial data authoring system, supplies tools for all your Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geospatial Analysis needs.

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Geographic imaging professionals need to process vast amounts of geospatial data every day — often relying on software designed for other purposes and add-on applications that create almost as many problems as they solve. Save both time and money, leverage existing data investments, and improve your image analysis capabilities with ERDAS IMAGINE.

ERDAS IMAGINE provides true value, consolidating remote sensing, photogrammetry, LiDAR analysis, basic vector analysis, and radar processing into a single product.


ERDAS IMAGINE capabilities

Discover the potential of your imagery

ERDAS IMAGINE simplifies image classification and segmentation, orthorectification, mosaicking, reprojection, elevation extraction and image interpretation.



Streamline your workflow and save time

Powerful algorithms and data processing functions work behind the scenes so you can concentrate on your analyses.

Multiple classification solutions

ERDAS IMAGINE offers K-Means, ISODATA, object-based image segmentation, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

The power of spatial modeler

The Spatial Modeler’s graphical editing environment provides flexibility to capture domain expertise and turn it into re-usable algorithms.

Point cloud processing

ERDAS IMAGINE fully enables the display, editing and analysis of point clouds derived from LiDAR or point correlation of stereo pairs.